Subject Verb Agreement Quiz Mdcat

Subject-verb agreement is an essential part of the English language that is often tested on standardized exams like the MDCAT (Medical and Dental College Admission Test) in Pakistan. The concept of subject-verb agreement is simple: a singular subject requires a singular verb, while a plural subject requires a plural verb. However, mistakes in subject-verb agreement are common, even among native speakers of English. To ensure that you are fully prepared for the MDCAT, it is crucial that you have a solid understanding of subject-verb agreement. In this article, we will provide you with a subject-verb agreement quiz to help you test your knowledge and improve your understanding.

Before we get to the quiz, let`s review the basic rules of subject-verb agreement. When a subject is singular (referring to one person, place, thing, or idea), the verb must also be singular. For example, “The dog barks,” not “The dog bark.” Conversely, when a subject is plural (referring to more than one), the verb must also be plural. For example, “The dogs bark,” not “The dogs barks.” It is important to note that certain words, such as “everyone” and “nobody,” may sound singular but are actually treated as plural subjects. For example, “Everyone knows their own name,” not “Everyone know their own name.”

Now, let`s test your knowledge with this subject-verb agreement quiz:

1. The team (is/are) practicing for the game tonight.

2. Neither the mom nor the dad (is/are) going to the meeting today.

3. The pack of wolves (is/are) hunting for food.

4. One of the students (is/are) late to class.

5. There (is/are) three apples left in the basket.


1. The team is practicing for the game tonight.

2. Neither the mom nor the dad is going to the meeting today.

3. The pack of wolves is hunting for food.

4. One of the students is late to class.

5. There are three apples left in the basket.

How did you do? If you got all five questions correct, congratulations! You have a strong grasp of subject-verb agreement. If you struggled with any of the questions, don`t worry. Subject-verb agreement can be a tricky concept, but with practice, you can improve your skills.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an important part of the English language and is a concept that is frequently tested on standardized exams like the MDCAT. By reviewing the basic rules and practicing with quizzes like the one provided above, you can ensure that you are fully prepared for the exam and can confidently tackle any subject-verb agreement questions that come your way.